Year in Review 2020
* more clients with completed projects this year: a few were handed over to editors, another to the printer, and another was published and launched with rave reviews;
* six author visits to a college classroom in CA using Writing on the Landscape as their text;
* an author visit to a ”college-prep/pre-professional arts training” high school classroom;
* twenty new media pieces (including interviews, mentions, guest articles, videos, press releases, and more);
* my continued book tour in CA and WA (ten venues including Seattle's Elliott Bay Book Co.) during Jan-Feb;
* an international book reading in June (Charter for Compassion);
* three Spiritual Ecology presentations: for a spiritual bookstore in CA, for our local interfaith council, and a two-hour webinar for the United Nation's World Interfaith Harmony Week;
* a writing/nature workshop in CA;
* a writing/nature class at the local arts org (BARN);
* four visual creative pieces published;
* twenty-one new nature bits videos, twelve Covid-era videos, and three new nature prompt videos created and added to my YouTube channel;
* an international presentation on nature-based creativity;
* two international conference presentations;
* a presentation at our county’s Human Rights Council conference;
* five articles published by international organizations with online journals, and one of which was translated into Spanish - a first for my writing (topics included grief, Covid, eco-restoration, healing beauty, spring’s inspiration);
* two retreats that I guided - a half-day in spring and full week in August;
* full-time mentorship work with clients throughout the pandemic …
* and, an exciting new book project in the works
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