compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

Year in Review 2021

* more clients making great progress and/or with completed projects this year;
* the invitation to join as co-lead for the Environment Sector of the Charter for Compassion; 
* two presentations to the doctors, staff, and administrators at Franciscan Hospice; 
* the creation of The Letters Project for hospice patients and families; 
* eight author visits to a college classroom in CA using Writing on the Landscape as their course text; 
* an author presentation and ritual for an article that I had published in a bilingual journal; 
* my audio recording in Spanish of an article that I had published in a bilingual journal; 
* seventeen new media pieces (including videos, photos, webinars, articles, presentations, and more); 
* four Spiritual Ecology presentations; 
* a writing/nature class at the local arts org (BARN); 

* a Writing on the Landscape course for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Alabama; 
* two photographs published; 

* the publication of my video for the Charter for Compassion’s International Golden Rule Day; 
* the creation and addition of many videos to my YouTube channel: twenty-six new nature bits videos, five Second Tuesday webinar videos, five new World Interfaith Harmony Week videos, a promo video for my Writing on the Landscape course, and a spiritual ecology professional conference presentation video; 
* an international presentation on simple living; 
* four international conference presentations; 

* a presentation for the Judicial Council of California; 
* two pieces published (an interview about a beautymaking ritual I did that appears in an anthology and an article about fledging birds in an arts organization journal); 

* two retreats that I guided - a half-day in spring and full week in August; 
* and, progress on my next book project 

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