Year in Review 2022
* eleven of my photos published on the EarthSky website;
* one of my photos, Duck Celebration, was noted in EarthSky's widely-circulated email newsletter as one of their "Top Stories This Week" (for Dec 17th) and was posted on their social media sites as well
* the curriculum creation for and teaching of the first-ever Compassionate Spiritual Ecology course;
* invitation to teach the Compassionate Spiritual Ecology course again through the Charter for Compassion in May 2023;
* four Second Tuesdays Lunchtime Webinars on various specific topics within the broader themes of creativity and spiritual ecology;
* presentation of three days of content for the United Nations' World Interfaith Harmony Week;
* convening of another TEALarbor stories annual retreat the first week of August;
* invitation to be a featured speaker at the Fox Valley Area chapter of Wild Ones' Annual Conference in Wisconsin in January 2023;
* request to submit several types of creative pieces to the Charter for Compassion's ArtistTree Project page and inclusion of them on their website;
* a poster of my work (Ecotones and the Inner/Outer Landscape) presented at the Children & Nature Network’s international conference, Inside Out!;
* three important projects added to my YouTube channel from my co-leadership work at the Charter for Compassion’s Environment Sector;
* a deepened commitment to our local interfaith council by joining the new task force on climate change, holding space for people of faith to find their inspired response to global warming;
* another one of my articles published (Ecological Reveries: A Medley of Belonging to Land) in Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network's online journal, Context;
* presentation on the topic of "hope" (at the intersection of nature and spirituality) for Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church's Lenten soup supper;
* the teaching of Overcoming Writing Blocks to two college classrooms in California that were using my book, Writing on the Landscape, as their course text;
* a lively Spring Equinox half-day retreat again this year;
* the invitation to return to Society for Human Ecology as a peer reviewer of scholarly research at the intersections of humans, culture, ecology;
* the month-long facilitation of the 30-Day Creative Challenge in the spring;
* participation in my second annual 100-Day Creative Challenge, during which I worked on material for a book that will include my nature journal creations;
* hearty collaborations with a few dear colleagues, some of which are already manifesting into offerings for 2023;
* and, nearing the finish line on my current book project after an inspired delay which led to the addition of a whole new section
Thank you; I very much appreciate your support!