Spiritual Ecology Training 
The term "Spiritual Ecology" is most simply used to refer to the spiritual dimension of our present ecological crisis. Practitioners within and outside of academia, conservation, and religion recognize—and have begun to create a body of work that supports—this idea.
As a way of life, Spiritual Ecology is powerful, transformative, and deeply nourishing! It is simultaneously impactful at the level of the individual as well as at community, regional, and global scales.
Spiritual Ecology Training (SET) is a mentorship program for people seeking immersion in the practices, values, thinking, and rituals that comprise a Spiritual Ecology lifestyle, as well as for those who want to guide others in such efforts.
SET has two phases. "Phase I: Practitioner Intensive" is the foundation for deepening one's relationship with the more-than-human world and is the starting point for this immersive training. "Phase II: Facilitator Intensive" is for those who have completed Phase I and want to become leaders in the field, guiding others through Spiritual Ecology programs.
Participants Can Expect to Receive
- Compassionate one-on-one mentorship
- Guidance with developing more-than-human world experiences, rituals, and living that are congruent with Spiritual Ecology values
- A body of practice/work tailored to the needs and sensitivities of the participant
- Instruction in various types of nature journaling, stream of consciousness writing, contemplative writing, phenology
- Instruction in safety in natural/wild settings
- Ongoing feedback and support
- A trove of Spiritual Ecology resources
- A certificate of completion
Participant Benefits
- Learning how Spiritual Ecology is applicable to everyday life at individual, community, and global scales
- Gaining insight into how the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of self correspond to the values of Spiritual Ecology
- Having a heightened awareness of and deepened intimacy with the more-than-human world
- Seeking a greater recognition of and ecological information about the species in one's region
- Becoming one with (reconnected to) the biota on the planet in a way that is personally relevant
- Recognizing and navigating the grief of climate change and ecological destruction
- Developing a pathway for transformative action on behalf of all beings
- Engaging in meaningful Earth-centered observances and rituals for awe and gratitude
- Having the opportunity to work with a Spiritual Ecology mentor with more than twenty-five years as a multidisciplinary practitioner, researcher, creative, and trainer in inner/outer landscape relationships, conservation, and ritual
Minimum Expectations of Participants
- Willingness to engage Spiritual Ecology through physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual lenses
- One Zoom session per month
- Four (Phase I) to six (Phase II) documented hours in the field per week
- Ongoing journaling of field experiences and responses to written and creative prompts as well as readings
- Participation in four Earth-based ceremonies led by others (must be approved in advance by mentor)
- Creation of a toolkit of meaningful Spiritual Ecology rituals
- Milestone assessment tasks
- Culminating project (Phase II only)
Prerequisites for Phase I: Practitioner Intensive
- Successful completion of Compassionate Spiritual Ecology course
- Demonstrated experience in outdoor/more-than-human world settings
- Mentee assessment conversation with Dr. Jennifer J. Wilhoit, TEALarbor stories
12-Month Guided, Individualized Programming for Phase I: Practitioner = $3500.
Prerequisites for Phase II: Facilitator Intensive
- SET Phase I Practitioner Certificate
- Commitment to SE Guiding
OR: - Successful completion of Compassionate Spiritual Ecology course
- Demonstrated experience in outdoor/more-than-human world settings
- Commitment to SE Guiding
- Mentee assessment conversation with Dr. Jennifer J. Wilhoit, TEALarbor stories
- Explicit agreement to participate concurrently* in Phases I and II
* Fieldwork time commitment roughly doubled
12-Month Guided, Individualized Programming for Phase II: Facilitator = $4000.
Please email (tealarborstories@gmail.com) to set up your free assessment conversation.